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Google Analytics證照 (GAIQ)

Google Analytics認證攻略(含中英文GAIQ考題)

Google Analytics 證照全名為 Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) 是 Google 官方推出的線上認證,證明通過者有基本的 GA 常識和操作能力。


考試路徑    Analytics (分析) 學習中心    示範帳戶


Google Analytics認證攻略

用來收集資料的 Analytics (分析) 追蹤程式碼應安插在網頁 HTML 的何處?
Where should the Analytics tracking code be placed in the HTML of a webpage for data collection?
Google Analytics (分析) 會追蹤哪種類型的匹配?
Which kinds of hits does Google Analytics track?
What report shows which types of mobile devices visited a website?
如果網頁訪客清除了瀏覽器中的 Analytics (分析) Cookie,會發生什麼事?
If a web page visitor clears the Analytics cookie from their browser, what will occur?
下列何者不是 Google Analytics (分析) 中預設的「來源」?
What is not considered a “source” in Google Analytics by default?
下列哪一種做法可以提升 Google Analytics (分析) 的報表匯編速度?
To increase the speed at which Google Analytics compiles reports, what action could be taken?
In Custom Reports, what must metrics and dimensions share in order to report accurately?
Which parameters can be included with an event hit for reporting?
What feature collects company-specific data such as Member Status?
使用標準 Google Analytics (分析) 設定時,下列哪種特徵無法用來建立自訂區隔?
Using a standard Google Analytics configuration, which characteristics cannot be used to create a custom segment?
What report shows the percentage of traffic that previously visited a website?
下列何者不是將 Google Ads 帳戶連結至 Google Analytics (分析) 所帶來的好處?
When linking a Google Ads account to Google Analytics, what is not possible?
下列何者不是 Google Analytics (分析) 預設提供的廣告活動參數?
What campaign parameter is not available by default in Google Analytics ?
What feature is required to collect the number of comments users posted to a web page?
下列哪一項功能可連結離線業務系統資料和 Google Analytics (分析) 收集到的線上資料?
What feature can join offline business systems data with online data collected by Google Analytics?
根據預設,Google Analytics (分析) 會記錄每一位網站訪客的哪些流量來源維度?
Which default traffic source dimensions does Google Analytics report for each website visitor?
Views can include website data collected before the view was created.
如要跨不同裝置識別使用者,您需要透過下列何者取得 User ID?
To recognize users across different devices, what is required for User ID?
Google Analytics (分析) 的「指標」是指什麼?
What is a “metric” in Google Analytics?
下列何者不是 Google Analytics (分析) 再行銷功能的好處?
What is not a benefit of Google Analytics Remarketing?
To recognize users across different devices, what feature must be enabled?
Google Analytics (分析) 禁止收集下列哪一種資料?
What data does Google Analytics prohibit collecting?
What feature would be used to collect how many times users downloaded a product catalog?
How would a view filter be configured to include only users from Brazil and Argentina?
To track users and sessions across multiple domains, what first must be set up?
What is not a filter setting for data in views?
Which metric reports on how often a channel contributes to a conversion prior to last-click attribution?
根據預設,Google Analytics (分析) 在何種情況下無法辨識來自同一位使用者的工作階段?
When will Google Analytics be unable to identify sessions from the same user by default?
What metric-dimension combination is not valid?
What report shows which web pages get the most traffic and highest engagement?
如果使用者在同一個工作階段中看了某部啟用事件追蹤功能的影片三次,Analytics (分析) 會計入幾次不重複事件?
If a user watches a video with event tracking three times in a single session, Analytics will count how many Unique Events?
為 Google Analytics (分析) 目標指派價值有什麼用處?
What does assigning a value to a Google Analytics Goal enable?
下列何者不是 Google Analytics (分析) 中預設的「媒介」
What is not considered a default “medium” in Google Analytics?
What data table display compares report metrics to the website average?
Google Analytics (分析) 目標無法追蹤下列何種資料?
What data is Google Analytics Goals unable to track?
Sampling is applied to reports before segmentation.
Analytics (分析) 追蹤程式碼何時會將網頁瀏覽匹配傳送至 Google Analytics (分析)?
When does the Analytics tracking code send a pageview hit to Google Analytics?
When the same default tracking code is installed on pages with different domains, what will result?
What is used to create Smart Goals?
下列哪一項使用者特徵「不能」用來更改 Google Ads 中的關鍵字出價?
Which user characteristic may NOT be used to change keyword bids in Google Ads?
What report indicates the last page users viewed before leaving a website?
What is not a benefit of using segments to analyze data?
In views that don’t have data import enabled, Custom Dimensions values may be viewed for dates before the Custom Dimension was created
Which reports require the activation of Advertising Features?
What is the set of rules that determines how sales and conversions get credited based on touch-points in the conversion path?
追蹤程式碼何時會傳送事件匹配給 Google Analytics (分析)?
When does the tracking code send an event hit to Google Analytics?
Sharing a Custom Report will share the report configuration and data included in the report.
Google Analytics (分析) 中的「次要維度」是什麼?
What is a “secondary dimension” in Google Analytics?
下列哪一種模型反映了 Google Analytics (分析) 帳戶的階層結構?
What model represents the hierarchical structure of a Google Analytics account?
What criteria could not be used to create a Dynamic Remarketing audience?
What feature is required to track customer search terms on a website?
What would prevent data from appearing in a Custom Report?
What scope applies to Custom Metrics?
哪一種報表會顯示過去 1 天、7 天、14 天和 30 天期間內曾啟動工作階段的使用者?
What report shows users who initiated sessions over 1-day, 7-day, 14-day, and 30-day periods?
What type of Custom Report shows a static sortable table with rows of data?
What asset is used to build a remarketing list?
Auto-tagging is used to collect data from what kind of traffic?
Segments will not allow you to do what?
What report provides data on how specific sections of a website performed?
Custom Dimensions can be used as what?
Which assets cannot be shared in the Solutions Gallery?
To view accurate data in a Custom Report, what action should be avoided?
What feature must be enabled to use Multi-Channel Funnels?
What filter would only include data from a campaign titled “Back to School” in Campaign reports?
What scope levels available for dimensions and metrics?
What scope would be set for a Custom Dimension that reports membership status for a customer rewards program?
Within how many days can a deleted view be restored?
What report indicates the pages of a website where users first arrived?
Google Analytics (分析) 無法根據預設收集哪種系統的資料?
Google Analytics cannot collect data from which systems by default?
Google Analytics (分析) 中有哪些「目標」可用?
Which Goals are available in Google Analytics?
如果Google 電子商務商店設置的網址目標為“/ ordercomplete”且匹配類型為“開始時間”,則www.googlemerchandisestore.com上的以下哪些頁面不會被視為目標?
If the Google Merchandise Store sets up a URL goal of “/ordercomplete” and a Match Type of “Begins with”, which of the following pages on www.googlemerchandisestore.com will NOT count as a goal?
Filters cannot perform what action on collected data?
如果為電子報註冊建立了目的地目標,並且使用者在三個獨立的工作階段中,完成了三次電子報註冊,那麼Google Analytics會計算出多少次目標轉換?
If a Destination Goal is created for a newsletter sign-up and a user completes the newsletter sign-up three times in three separate sessions, how many Goal conversions will Google Analytics count?
Which three campaign parameters are recommended to manually track campaigns?
Google Analytics工作階段預設何時結束?
When does a default Analytics session expire?
A new Custom Channel Group may be applied retroactively to organize data that has been previously collected.
Google Analytics預設的追蹤代碼,無法收集哪些內容?
What cannot be collected by the default Analytics tracking code?
In Multi-Channel Funnel Reports, what channel would not be credited with a conversion?
What Remarketing audiences cannot be defined by default?
For autotagging, what parameter does Google Ads include in the destination URL?
What channel is not included in the default Channels report?